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Marc's Musings

Dale Carnegie said that we should be genuinely interested in other people.

Shouldn't people meet us halfway and be genuinely interesting?

Among the last major chains to jump on the smeat bandwagon, McDonald's has announced plans to introduce a plant-derived – but entirely synthetic – meatless burger in the 2021.

The are calling it McPlant.

(No, this is not satire)


McSmeat™ is a trademark of Jacobin Brothers.

Twice before, I have posted evidence from the CDC that it is conflating influenza and CoV statistics.

Now, amid an advertised spike in CoV infections, the CDC has stopped reporting on influenza statistics entirely.

This came a month before Medical Stooge-in-Chief Fauci told CNBC, "Do what you're told."

Shake off the sense of disbelief and embrace the horror of post-modern dystopia.

(Highlight added)

The CDC has updated its definition of 'close contact' in the lexicon of its entirely pointless activity of CoVID-19 contact tracing.

Knowing from whom one contracted the disease is as helpful as knowing the bullets that struck JFK were made in Ohio.

Columbus Day and the associated hullabaloo is a perfect example of the absurdity and inefficacy of the American educational system.

Our society reveres and despises a person who never set foot on American soil and may not have known of its existence.

Alternatives to watching septuagenarians trying to remember why they are mad at each other:

  1. Rotate the air in your tires
  2. Translate the Dead Sea Scrolls into Mandarin
  3. Brush up on your long division
  4. Determine why fire engine signs have trucks on them no one has ever seen
  5. Teach your dog to drive a stick
  6. Join the Saucy Nugs movement
  7. Study microfluidics to enhance your argument for/against masks
  8. Measure the drop in the nation's IQ between 9pm and 10:30pm 

A glance at the UK's Orwellian response to CoVID-19 shows that it is worthy of the characterization, but its diktats are a distant second to the state of Victoria, Australia.

Victoria has imposed the most stringent lock-downs anywhere in the world, and has adopted habits such as arresting pregnant women at home for thought crimes (contemplating protests on social media),

The Victorian premier (Speaker of the House) has proposed a bill that allows government officials to arrest citizens for crimes committed or if they suspect the citizen might commit a crime, such as spreading CoVID-19.

How long will it be before we are using the term "Victorian" in the same sense that we use "Orwellian"?

(Not the old sense of "Victorian" that connoted oppression of the lower classes by the established rich white aristocracy, but the new sense that connotes oppression of the lower classes by the established rich white bureaucracy. Are you following me here?)

The people who will approve the CoVID-19 vaccine also approve drugs with 'death' as an acceptable side effect.

Every single drug that has been recalled – usually involving 'death' as an unexpected side effect – was also approved by these people.

During a Biden presidential term, what does not-president Donald Trump do?

Perhaps he breaks the post-presidential mold (pun intended) of book-writing and paid speech-giving and pursues a nightly talk show with his best frenemy FoxNews – a show that could easily be the highest rated news program on television.

Imagine a platform where Donald gets to throw shade at Joe every day of the week while simultaneously campaigning for a presidential run in 2024 to become the next Grover Cleveland – and now you have that name stuck your head.

Thirty-two years ago, people were upset when Reaganomics (also known as Trickle-up Economics) drove the national debt above $2T.

2020 will conclude with a record-high deficit of $3.3T – money borrowed during a single year.

When the apocalypse comes, it won't be a perfect storm of misfortune no one could have predicted, it will be the evaporation of an illusion created by a debt-based economy exploited by speculation and profiteering.

In addition to buying (creating) the national debt, the Fed buys debt from private institutions.

The Fed now owns 30% of derivatives backed by home mortgages (remember those words: derivatives and mortgages, there will be a test later).

The Fed is buying derivatives at eight times the pace it was during the official "Quantitative Easing" programs (Big Bank Welfare).

(At the rate the Fed is printing money, I should think everyone owes Robert Mugabe an apology.)

In addition to the $17T created and lent to the U.S. government since '08, the Fed has created $6T to finance the private sector – that's $24T pumped into the economy in twelve years. Has the economy grown that much? How much of that $24T are you holding on to?

The global economy is government for the rich by the rich. Everything else is a distraction.

“EMP attacks are part of the emerging threats against our nation and demand a response,” – DoHS-flavored Government Stooge

Fission EMP weapons have never been anything more than a chalkboard exercise, but they are dragged out every so often as fear-mongering figments. Maybe we should stop putting the paranoid psychopaths in charge of defense (and everything else).

Yes, I know. They are basing it on top secret squirrel information that I am not allowed to know. Isn't that what is called a self-reinforcing delusion? 

DoubleSpeak: Mistakes

Deflection of Mistakes

If a corporation or politician makes a mistake, the mistake is never admitted; it is always framed as an intentional act that yielded unintentional consequences (i.e. they got caught) and is rationalized ad nauseum or minimized through gaslighting (it’s not as bad as you think it is).

Admission of Mistakes

If a corporation or politician admits to a mistake, they are deflecting from an intentional act that yielded unintentional consequences and are seeking to minimize negative perception by feigning natural fallibility and appealing to the public’s forgiving nature.


Thus, mistakes are ‘intentional acts’ and intentional acts are ‘mistakes’. One could be forgiven for confusing corporations and politicians with sociopaths.

Conspiracy Theorists are the world’s optimists.

If the world is run by intelligent, organized – albeit selfish and perhaps diabolical – entities who move all of the pieces on the board toward an end of their own design, then the world is really not run by Forrest Gump doppelgangers.

Occasionally, bureaucracies will surprise you with their innovation.

Instead of 'ignoring the problem hoping it will go away' with regard to the problem of police self-expanding their mandates (read: self-justification of excessive force, stormtrooping, and abuse of qualified immunity), the bureaucrats are de-funding the police, making the problem go away so they can ignore it.

Kudos, government stooges.

In 1847, Ignaz Semmelweis provided empirical evidence that washing hands and disinfecting equipment between patients reduced infections and mortality.

Because the 'consensus' did not accept Semmelweis' findings, germ theory languished until being undertaken again by Joseph Lister in 1865, the year Semmelweis died.

Consensus = Groupthink?

Deductive Logic Primer

Major Premise: The average lifespan in the U.S. is 78 years.

Minor Premise: >60% of CoV fatalities were people aged more than 78 years.

Conclusion: Catching CoV increases your chances of living longer than average.

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20 January 2025
14 January 2025

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