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All's Well That's Orwell

A glance at the UK's Orwellian response to CoVID-19 shows that it is worthy of the characterization, but its diktats are a distant second to the state of Victoria, Australia.

Victoria has imposed the most stringent lock-downs anywhere in the world, and has adopted habits such as arresting pregnant women at home for thought crimes (contemplating protests on social media),

The Victorian premier (Speaker of the House) has proposed a bill that allows government officials to arrest citizens for crimes committed or if they suspect the citizen might commit a crime, such as spreading CoVID-19.

How long will it be before we are using the term "Victorian" in the same sense that we use "Orwellian"?

(Not the old sense of "Victorian" that connoted oppression of the lower classes by the established rich white aristocracy, but the new sense that connotes oppression of the lower classes by the established rich white bureaucracy. Are you following me here?)

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