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Marc's Musings

According to a DoA report (in more ways than one), North Korea has 60 nuclear weapons and a 5,000 ton stockpile of chemical weapons.

Given the DoD's history of erroneous estimations, from Iraq's (non-existent) 100,000 tanks and million-man army in 1990 to their (non-existent) WMD program of 2002, it's probably safe to say that North Korea's arsenal consists of chlorine bleach and a number of VHS recordings of Dubya saying "nucular".

Who needs religion when you have pharmacology?

“Moral enhancement is the use of substances to make you more moral”

“… make moral enhancement compulsory or administer it secretly, perhaps via the water supply.”

Satire or commentary? It's getting difficult to discern the difference.

A study conducted by the Federal Reserve Board concludes that “disturbing trends” in the U.S. economy, including income inequality and financial instability, are the results of monopoly power: fewer companies controlling ever larger market shares.

A predictable but vexingly ironic conclusion from the largest monopoly in the history of civilization.

In 1869, Wyoming was the first state or territory to grant women's suffrage. It preserved women's suffrage in its Constitution and became the first state to do so when it was admitted to the Union in 1890.

Women could vote in only ( 20 ) states when the 19th Amendment was ratified on this date in 1920 after ( 72 ) years of grass-roots efforts, coalitions, referenda, and court cases.

It would be another ( 64 ) years before all of the states ratified the amendment, with Mississippi being the last in 1984.

Remember the hubbub about Russia paying the Taliban to kill Americans? (As if they needed more incentive.)

The same "US Intelligence" sources now claim that Tehran has been funding Taliban attacks against U.S. forces. By dramatic coincidence, this information arrived three days after the U.S. lost a UN vote to extend sanctions against Iran.

(Pause for a moment and consider the source of all the 'bad' things you have heard about Iran.)

There was a protest in DC on Saturday where people assembled in person to protest having to vote in person.

After failing to convince the UN Security Council to extend an embargo against Iran, the U.S. Department of Justice detained four tankers of Iranian oil and diverted them to Houston.

When asked how they knew the oil belonged to Iran, the DoJ responded, "It smells Iranian."

Hester v. United States (1924) established the Open Fields doctrine. Anything that isn't your domicile and its immediate area is subject to real-time surveillance and invasion by the government with no warrants or cause.

Stop getting distracted with nonsense about the New World Order and realize that modern communication is simply piercing the veil of the Old World Order.

I wonder if anyone has told Joe that he's picked a running mate.

Maybe they'll wait until November and surprise him.

Note to self: Never work for a CIA front company.

Some people found Obama objectionable because he shares a name with a murderous tyrant.

Wait until those people learn that Biden shares a name with someone who killed 60,000,000 people!

The populace has always been gullible but, during the 1960’s, a misplaced trust in government made the people ripe for fleecing.

The CIA was conducting unsanctioned experiments on unsuspecting civilians. The Army was developing and/or deploying biological and chemical weapons. The Navy amplified/invented the Gulf of Tonkin incidents which the president and Congress used to justify escalation of the military engagement in Vietnam. The CIA was trying to overthrow every foreign government that would not yield to American influence. The Government – at a minimum – obfuscated the facts of the JFK assassination (to this day) — and those are just the things that are public record.

Given the decade’s ‘long train of abuses and usurpations’, is it so much of a stretch to think the government would fake the moon landings to win a race that it had been losing since 1957?

A Hong Kong study and a DoD study both concluded that influenza vaccines create "vaccine interference" that increases susceptibility to other respiratory viruses.

This would explain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in developed nations, especially the United States.

Today, a federal judge ordered the Empire (again) not to beat and teargas journalists and observers. In addition to the 'proactive arrests' (whatever those might be) the federales wanted journalists and observers to be obey dispersion commands and were acting with force (teargas and batons) when said journalists and observers exercised their right not be ordered about like minions.

It seems Trump is evolving into the fascist dictator he has been accused of being all along.

The government-endorsed treatment for CoV is remdesivir, marketed by Gilead.

The sticker price is $520/dose or $3,120 for a short-course treatment and $5,720 for a long-course treatment. What do you get for your three large? A four day shorter recovery time (so says Gilead).

Did I mention remdesivir costs only $9/dose to manufacture?

Can we look forward to some Congressional hearings about price gouging like the ones held for Mylan charging $600 for Epipens?

Another governor has issued an "executive order" requiring masks in all buildings. What's with all of the governors turning into tinpot dictators?

Executive orders are instructions issued by the chief executive within the purview prescribed by statutory law; they are not a blank check for governors to channel their inner Stalin.